*~ The Life Of Shannon Renee ~*
  Home | All About Me | My Pix | My Pix 2 | Updates | My Recent Pix | Contact Me | Guest Book | Jimmy's Pix | Ray's Pix | Jimmy's Bio | Other Links  

*~ About My Site ~*
First off I would like to thank everyone for visiting my website!
This first page is just a short summary of what you will see on each page. If you want to contact me, there will be several links through out my site that you can click on. Also you can check out *Contact Me* at the top of this page.

The only thing I ask of everyone is to please sign my guestbook before you leave my site. I like to keep track of everyone that visits my site and also to get an idea of what everyone thinks of it. So please check out my guestbook and leave a post. I would love to here what you all have to say!!

I hope you all enjoy what you read and come back often!!

*~ What You Will See Here ~*
Here is a short description of what you will find on each page listed above...
*All About Me* - What I'm like, what I like to do, my work, what means the most to me..... And so much more.
*My Pix* - Self Explanitory.. Check it out!!
*Updates* - Where I will keep you posted on anything new!
*Contact Me* - Self Explanitory..
*Other Links* - Links to my fav. Sites...
*Guestbook* - Place you can leave your thoughts and comments..

*~ Here Me Is ~*
This picture was taken on July 28th 2004. It's the most recent that I have. Check out my photo page. I will have more posted there.

*~Shan's Community Corkboard~*


*~View Guestbook~*

*Take My Poll*

*American By Birth, Southern By Grace of God*
I found this pic on a website and fell in love with it.
*~Email Me~*