About Me
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*~The Basics~*
To start off my name is Shannon. I'm 24 years old and I'm from a small town called Geneva here in North East Ohio. I was born in Virginia but we moved to Ohio when I was around 3 years old. Since then I have lived in Mentor Ohio and here in Geneva. I lived in Mentor from the time I was 3 till I finished first grade. Then we moved here to Geneva when I was starting second grade and I have lived here ever since.

I am currently single, never been married nor do I have any children. However I do want all of that someday. I have always dreamed of the perfect life, with the perfect man, in the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood... Then I wake up.. I know that there is nothing in this world that is perfect, but its okay to dream right? Life is what you make of it, and someday I will have my own little 'perfect' family, but it will only be 'perfect' in my eyes.

When it comes to my friends and family, they are my life. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be who I am today. I give a lot of credit to the ones who keep me sane and uplifted. My parents are strict, but in a lot of ways im thankful that they are. I get picked on because im not allowed to do a lot of things that most 24 year olds just go and do. I have the respect for my parents to ask if its okay, and when they give me a time to be home, by golly im here. I live under their roof, I pay no bills, why should I complain when I have it made here. They don't do things to hurt me, they do it to keep me longer, and out of love and being caring parents. I would rather abide by their rules then to have parents that don't give a damn about me.. I also have 3 beautiful nieces that are my world. I would do anything for them if I could. They keep me busy and keep the little joys in my life...
My friends keep me sane, they keep my feet on the ground and my head out of the clouds. They are always there when I need them as I am them. They are a lot like my family. They keep me out of trouble. Like I really go out and look to get into trouble.. Im a good girl.. I know the difference in right and wrong. If something feels wrong, I won't do it. Thats just how I am..

The type of person that I am is one that looks for the good in everyone. Which explains why I have been hurt so much in my life. My heart has been broken on a number of occasions but I always seem to find the will to get up off the ground, dust myself off and move on. I always think about everyone else before I think about myself. I do for everyone before myself. I have a huge heart and a lot of love to give for that special someone when he comes along. I am very outgoing, honest, loveing, caring, understanding, loyal, faithful and communicative. I have a great since of humor, don't take offence to much, it takes a lot to really tick me off, and I don't take things to seriously unless its need be. I am very oppinionated, I have a lot of hopes, dreams, desires and beliefs. I have morals and I stick to them. I am not by any means stuck on myself nor do I think I am better then anyone. I am just Shannon. I am me.. I am just a good girl. I am a respectable woman. I give respect and expect the same in return..

I am a Christian. I love reading my bible, bible studies and I try my hardest to live by the Lord. I don't go to church but I don't think you have to go to be considered a Christian or to live your life the right way!

In conclusion, There is soooo much more to know about me, but I would be here all night telling you. I have to save some for future conversations that I may have. So if you would like to know more, please email me. I would love to talk to all of you and am willing to learn about all of you as well as help you learn more about me. On the rest of this page you will learn more about me, my hobbies, what I look for in a man and so much more. So please read on.. And don't forget to check out my other pages and sign my guestbook. Thanks for stopping by and come back as often as you like.


*Email Me*
*Shan Renee*