** Jimmy's Bio **
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** All about Jimmy **
On this page you will get to know the man that makes such a huge impact on my life. He is a wonderful friend. He's Smart... Funny... Sweet... and so much more. Read on to learn more..

** Jimmy **
This has got to be one of my favorite pictures. Gotta love the look.. So funny!!! *giggles*
  ** Jimmy's Bio **
To start off Jimmy is 22 years old. He was born on August 27, 1982. Jimmy is an amazing man. Very loving, honest, loyal, outgoing and passionate about a lot of things. He loves to smile, laugh and have a good time. Jimmy is a very easy person to get along with. He has this personality about him that is amazing. He lights up a room when he walks in. Though he has had a rough life, he is still one of the strongest people I know.

When Jimmy was 12 years old, his father passed away of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. I can only imagine what he went through in this time of his life being so young and all. But I do know that his father would have been proud of the man that Jimmy has become today. As I have told him, his father is looking down on him, smiling to see how wonderful he is today. Jimmy turned out to be an amazing person. He will go far in this world.

Jimmy graduated High School in 2001 then later on that year, he started college at Hiram University with his major set for Computer Science. Jimmy started to have some life changing issues arise. He started to get really stressed out and it started to cause some problems with his schooling and then led him to changing his major due to him getting far behind and unable to catch up. He set his major to history because that is one of his interests. Some time after that he started to have some more issues arise which led him into another set him back in his schooling causing him to fall behind again and not being able to catch up. He ended up leaving Hiram and transfering to Kent State (Ashtabula Branch) in January of 2004. He changed his major again to Computer Programming also known as Computer Technology and is in the Associates Program. He is due to graduate in 2006 with his Assiciates Degree.. Since all of this, he is doing wonderful. Things are looking up for him now. His schooling is coming along great. I know he can do it, he's a smart man.. When he puts his mind to something he gets it done with the best of his ability. He has the brains and "go getter" attitude to do anything he wants. That will take him far in this life. He will make something of himself and be well set. He will also be loved by many people because of the person that he is.

Some of Jimmy's favorite things include... Color is black, Food is spaghetti, Music is rock and he is also a huge animal lover. When it comes to sports his favs are... Baseball is Cleveland Indians, Football is Cleveland Browns and he also likes the Baltimore Ravens. He loves Hocky and his fav team is the Detroit Red Wings. He loves Nascar racing. His favorite bird is the raven (hence why he likes the baltimore ravens). His passion is flying.. Whether it's watching something fly, or flying himself. He just loves flight. That is just some of his likes. There is so much to know about him, just to much to type.. *giggles*

** Nascar **
The link below is the official Nascar website... Check it out..


** Lou Gehrig's Disease **
The link below is a info site for ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Check it out...

Lou Gehrig's Disease

** Made For Jimmy **